IMPORTANT UPDATE RE MEETING TONIGHT FOR NZAC Akl - our usual venue has closed without notice! We have arranged a new venue just metres down the road. Please come to the Clare Inn (150m south down Dom Rd)
Don't miss Jim & Penny's Tutuko summit trip presentation at the next club meeting.
The indomitable climbing team of Penny Webster (of 3000m peaks fame) and Jim Davidson summitted Tutoko in January 2020. Come and hear the story from one of Auckland section's (and the country's) most accomplished climbers.
Mount Tutoko (2,723m/8.934ft) is the highest peak in the Darran Mountains and the wider Fiordland region. A technically-challenging and remote area, Tutuko and surrounding peaks offer some of the best climbing NZ has to offer.
Our meeting will begin at 7:00pm sharp, however please come early, grab yourself a drink and chat to like minded people.
Jim Davidson